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Fresh Tips for Crafting Your Executive Assistant Resume

Fresh Tips for Crafting Your Executive Assistant Resume

In today's highly competitive job market, having a strong resume is essential. Your resume is your first impression on a potential employer, and since it can make or break your chances of getting an interview, it's crucial to get it right. Read on for how to craft a resume that will grab the recruiter’s attention and show them that you're the right candidate for the job.  Let's start with the basics!  ☞ keep reading …

Create a LinkedIn that Stands Out

Create a LinkedIn that Stands Out

Having a polished LinkedIn is not just recommended, it’s nearly required for standing out when applying for a new job. So much so, that it can be perceived as a red flag if someone either doesn’t have a LinkedIn or if it’s not put together with intention. If one of your 2017 goals is to make a career change, we recommend spending ☞ keep reading ...